In a report on an upcoming Apple-designed Bluetooth and Wi-Fi chip, Gurman says that the chip will be introduced in a new Apple TV and HomePod mini that are "scheduled" for 2025. While there is no exact timeline included, Gurman separately mentions that the chip will be included in iPhones "later next year," which suggests it will come to the HomePod mini and the Apple TV before the September timeframe.
The component will support Wi-Fi 6E, though Apple may not be able to match all of Broadcom's chip capabilities with the first-generation in-house Wi-Fi chip.
Adopting a custom-designed Wi-Fi and Bluetooth chip will allow Apple's upcoming smart home devices to work better together and perhaps "synchronize data more quickly."
Apple is also working on a home hub "Command Center" that's set to come out in 2025, but it's not clear if that device will use the custom chip. The Command Center will have a 6-inch display with a built-in speaker and camera, and it will be able to control smart home devices, make video calls, and more.
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